AIとAI at Scale


Artificial intelligence is evolving at breakneck speed, creating unprecedented opportunities, and challenges, across every industry and function. Companies with higher AI maturity—roughly 25% of companies already leveraging AI—are now scaling the latest technology and further separating themselves from the competition. AI strategy is integral to the success of these AI-mature organizations; over 50% of AI leaders expect more than double their investment return within a year.

When predictive AI is complemented by generative AI, their combined power offers stronger capabilities and greater, sustained AI value creation. Our AI strategy consulting team empowers clients to reach beyond single uses cases and execute a comprehensive AI business transformation. By transforming your business with AI, we work to reimagine processes, foster adoption, and develop the right capabilities, roles, and governance to successfully—and responsibly—deploy AI at scale. For BCG and our clients, the future of AI in business offers both a strategic tool to scale up value and a viable solution to our most pressing global challenges.


Imagine a teammate that works tirelessly, learns continuously, and adapts to your needs. That’s the promise of AI agents. With the ability to observe, plan, and act autonomously, AI agents open a new chapter of end-to-end transformation across industries—streamlining processes, driving data insights, and augmenting human potential like never before.


BCG Xは世界のトップクラスの組織と協働して、新しいプロダクト、サービス、ビジネスの構築により、現在を建設的に破壊し、将来をつくり出します。

Our Approach to Artificial Intelligence at Scale and Generative AI

Business leaders must focus on turning the promise of predictive and generative AI into real, sustained value. Around 70% of all AI transformations fall short of expectations, with executives citing key challenges that range from insufficient data to lack of expertise. Our artificial intelligence consultants treat every AI business transformation as a unique journey, shaped around an organization’s starting point, circumstances, and goals. To successfully deploy AI at scale and capitalize on the impact of AI on business, we prioritize a 10-20-70 approach that emphasizes algorithms (10%), tech and data (20%), and people and processes (70%). With these capabilities in hand, companies are embarking on AI transformation journeys that focus on ambitious targets and superior AI value creation.

Based on our recent global study, 62% of companies recognize AI as a source of value—but only 24% have been able to turn that promise into real value creation. The time to act is now. Companies looking to maximize the benefits of AI in business and their value potential should be experimenting with AI as early as possible, capitalizing on near-term cost management opportunities while building productivity across functions.

Our three interconnected value plays—deploy, reshape, and invent (DRI)—are designed to successfully scale predictive and generative AI and drive end-to-end business transformation. We reinforce DRI execution by strengthening clients’ enterprise foundations—the underlying technology, people, and risk capabilities needed to support such a large-scale transformation effort. Our DRI approach acts as a critical strategic asset for our AI consulting team, guiding clients to long-term competitive advantage through their own data, talent, and culture.

Three Strategic Plays to Maximize AI Value Creation

BCGのAIコンサルティングは、  BCG XのAIやデジタルのビルダーなどを含めたBCGのグローバルな人材ネットワークを生かしています。BCGは、アジャイルなスプリントを通して、プロトタイプを超えたAIシステムを開発し、クライアントのビジネスにトランスフォーメーションを起こします。私たちは、セクター固有の主要ユースケースというBCGの一連のAI製品を活用するため、ゼロから始める必要はありません。BCGは、影響を最大化するために、エンドツーエンドでプロセスを見直し、AIの全面的な可能性を活用して、効率性を推進し、意思決定を改善し、経験を向上させます。BCGの 独自ロボタクソノミーの枠組みは、変化し続けるAIのエコシステムの概要も提供し、クライアントが最新の進展の先を行けるようにします。
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Deploy, Reshape, Invent

Boost performance, transform core functions, and innovate at top speed. Part of a broader approach to AI and GenAI, BCG's DRI strategy helps drive substantial strategic value. Learn more about these three interconnected value plays from three BCG experts.
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Step away from the hustle of Google Cloud Next and engage with BCG, Google, and other prominent leaders for casual discussions, that propel innovation and business value through technology, all while enjoying cocktails and canapés.

Our Clients’ Success with Artificial Intelligence

Our AI in Business Solutions

BCG X offers a comprehensive library of products—backed by scientific rigor, extensive IP, and sophisticated AI components—to accelerate AI business transformation in support of our clients’ top objectives.


BCGは単なる戦略コンサルタントではありません。BCGのクライアントは、 AWS Google IBM Microsoft Salesforce SAPなどの先進テクノロジー企業や、OpenAI、Anthropic、Articul8、LangChain、PalantirなどのAI専門企業との、AI・生成AIのグローバル・エコシステムからの恩恵を得られます。このエコシステムは、クラス最高の生成AIのイネーブルメントと、エンドツーエンドのアプローチによるトランスフォーメーションを提供します。これによりクライアントは、自社の投資を最大限活かし、競争に先んじる能力を確保できるようになります。

BCG's  Vikas Taneja outlines four ways we are helping deliver value to clients by leveraging the firm’s strong relationships with GenAI companies.

協業により私たちは、既存のテクノロジーの最適化、ビジネス機能の再形成、新しい事業機会の創出、組織全体の再構想というトランスフォーメーションの4つの重要な柱にわたって、これまでにない価値を提供できます。さらに、BCG社内のデジタルとデザインの専門家集団である BCG Xの組織能力を活用することで、常にテクノロジーの最先端に立ち、AIで事業を変革し、高価値ユースケース向けにカスタマイズされたプラットフォームを開発することを目指す企業に対して、実用的なソリューションを提供します。


IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Business Consulting Services 2024

BCG was named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Business Consulting Services 2024, an in-depth report evaluating 18 business consulting services providers against 14 critical criteria.

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