Me, Myself, and AI: A Podcast on Artificial Intelligence in Business

Why do only 10% of companies succeed with AI? For four years, BCG and MIT SMR have studied corporate adoption of artificial intelligence. The most recent research has found that 90% of organizations do not realize significant financial benefit from the technology. So, what are the other 10% doing right? Each episode of Me, Myself, and AI features a discussion with a leading practitioner helping his or her organization gain measurable value from AI.

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Whether they work at a born-digital organization or (more often) a legacy company, our guests all have actionable insights to share. The series covers strategy, deployment, human-and-machine collaboration, and scaling. We also explore what first interested these leaders in AI, how they got to where they are today, and what keeps them excited about their field.
Featured Episode
Reskilling the Workforce With AI: Harvard Business School’s Raffaella Sadun
A beverage company thinks like a startup to maintain a closer connection with its customers.

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Season Ten

How a 160-Year-Old Startup Uses AI: The Heineken Company’s Ronald den Elzen
A beverage company thinks like a startup to maintain a closer connection with its customers.
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Leveling the Playing Field With AI: Special Olympics’s Mary Davis
 The CEO of the nonprofit organization explains how AI can augment education and create opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities.
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Sharing AI Mistakes: Partnership on AI’s Rebecca Finlay
The nonprofit’s CEO makes a case for more openness around organizations’ AI missteps.
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The Risks of Too Much AI: Fortune’s Jeremy Kahn
Fortune journalist and author of "Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future" Jeremy Kahn discusses the risks of an overreliance on AI technologies.
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Never Too Much AI: Upwork’s Andrew Rabinovich
The vice president of AI at the freelance marketplace explains how digital development can be hindered by lagging advancements in hardware.
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Meet Your New Teammate, AI: Asana’s Saket Srivastava
Saket Srivastava, CIO of work management platform Asana, joins hosts Sam Ransbotham and Shervin Khodabandeh on this episode of the Me, Myself, and AI podcast. Srivastava describes how artificial intelligence can function more as a teammate than just a task optimization tool when it assists with project management activities. He also shares his perspective on the evolution of the CIO role.

Season Nine

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Building Connections Through Open Research: Meta’s Joelle Pineau
Joelle Pineau, vice president of AI research at Meta and a professor at McGill University, explains how her interest in robotics led her to a career in technology research and describes some of the AI initiatives Meta has underway.
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Authoring Creativity With AI: Researcher Patrick Hebron
Patrick Hebron, author of Machine Learning for Designers, has led technology product development teams at Adobe and Nvidia Omniverse. He describes some of the technical challenges in building generative AI solutions for creative pursuits, as well as their vast potential.
If 10% of the World Were Developers: GitHub’s Mario Rodriguez
Mario Rodriguez, senior vice president of product at GitHub, explains how the company’s AI assistant, GitHub Copilot, keeps developers engaged in their work as they develop software solutions with the help of artificial intelligence.
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AI Hype and Skepticism: Economist Paul Romer
Paul Romer, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and director of Boston College’s Center for the Economics of Ideas, debunks some myths about the hype around AI and predicts that the most promising future for the technology is in education.


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