BCG’s i2i benchmark reveals your relative strength on ten innovation system factors essential to innovation success. Seven factors describe the health of your innovation platforms—your innovation strategy plus the operating model and critical capabilities that support it. And three evaluate the specific practices that drive a portfolio of projects to maximum impact. Scoring is based on a best-practice maturity framework. Results can be compared against our innovation benchmark database of nearly 1,200 companies, including many of the world’s leading innovators.

Innovation Practices
- Projects. Are project management capabilities best practice?
- Funnel. Is it the right shape—and well-balanced?
- Portfolio. Is it ambitious enough—and consistent with strategy?
Innovation Platforms
- Ambition. Are there specific and bold goals linked to strategy and value creation?
- Domains. Is the focus on a specified set of innovation domains where the organization has a right to win?
- Governance. Are people and budgets aligned with priorities?
- Portfolio and Performance Management. Is the portfolio rigorously managed and are innovation decisions and compensation linked to strategy-aligned KPIs?
- Organization and Ecosystems. Is innovation championed by the C-suite and are there fit-for-purpose innovation teams and vehicles for different types of innovation and different time frames?
- Talent and Culture. Is there a culture of innovation—and is innovation seen as a career accelerator?
- Idea to Impact. Do we have ideation methods that can “see around corners” and processes to explore and scale ideas?