

Automotive Challenge
Now is the most exciting time in the history of the automotive industry. It’s also the most challenging. New entrants are disrupting how the business works, while innovations such as software-defined vehicles and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) are fueling new opportunities and challenging the status quo. To lead the way, legacy automotive companies must evolve, adopting new business and operating models, new ways of working, and new approaches to automotive strategy.

Our Approach to Automotive Strategy

The automotive industry is shifting rapidly, propelled by new ideas and possibilities. BCG helps companies turn inspiration into innovation, creating the vision that takes them—and the industry—even further, while building the resilience to respond quickly to challenges and uncertainty, such as volatile supply chains. We partner with clients to create a next-generation automotive strategy that accelerates the journey to sustainable mobility and electrifies the future, as well as the cars themselves. And we empower them to seize new opportunities long after we’ve left the scene.

Collaboration and enablement are at the heart of our automotive consulting work. So is our holistic approach. With more than 1,100 experts around the globe and across the value chain, we help companies both new and old develop connected and autonomous vehicles, pursue new businesses, and launch large-scale automotive digital transformation projects. Five key themes stand out:

自動車産業は世界のCO2排出量の12%を占めています。企業がサステナビリティと成長をともに推進するのであれば、慎重にカスタマイズされたアプローチが必要です。たとえば私たちは、完成車メーカー(OEM)が電気自動車への移行を推進するためのイノベーションとオペレーションモデルを開発しながら、既存事業で優れた業績をおさめられるよう支援します。私たちはまた、新規参入企業と協働して拡大展開を推進し、最も重要な方法で差別化を図ります。サプライヤーとも協働して、従来型コンポーネントからの売上が頭打ちになるなかで、ポートフォリオの再構築に取り組みます。そして、すべてのクライアントが自動車のデジタルトランスフォーメーションを通じて、データやAI などの主要イネーブラーを活用できるよう支援します。
AI のパワー
データは、自動車戦略の重要な要素です。データは、企業のより効率的なオペレーション、製品ポートフォリオとサプライチェーンの最適化、優れた顧客サービスの提供に役立つアナリティクスとAIを促進します。企業がデータを価値に変換するお手伝いをするために、私たちはテクノロジー構築とデザインの専門家集団である BCG Xの専門知識と専門ツールを活用します。BCGとBCG Xが協働して、新しいイネーブラーを最大限に活用します。中でも主要なツールが生成AI です。これにより、ハイパーパーソナライズされた体験や、より効果的なマーケティング・営業への扉が開かれ、自動車業界のコスト削減も促進されます。
チップ不足、インフレ、地政学的危機、電気自動車への移行など、現在、自動車業界はこれまで以上に変化に対して迅速かつ的確に対応する必要があります。私たちは、企業のレジリエンス構築を支援して、ディスラプションによりビジネスの大きな混乱や中断が起きないようにします。BCGの自動車業界コンサルティングチームは、クライアントと協働してリスク源を特定し、無駄を削減してリソースを解放し、AI の活用により障害を予測しサプライチェーンをマネジメントし、アジャイルな労働力を育成するという建設的なアプローチをとります。これらすべてをうまく進められるよう、私たちはしっかりしたチェンジマネジメントと最高のデジタルツールを組み込みます。

Our Clients’ Success in the Automotive Industry

We work with OEMs, suppliers, retailers, and other players across the automotive value chain to shape the journey to sustainable mobility. Our automotive consulting services have been integral in launching new vehicle manufacturers, transforming established players, and guiding some of the industry’s most successful mergers and automotive digital transformation projects. Here are some examples.

Automotive | Client Impact | 7 billion | New Icon
Through a large-scale cost transformation, we enabled a European premium vehicle manufacturer to realize more than $7 billion in cash and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) improvement, helping navigate tough market conditions and helping fund the internal combustions engine (ICE) to battery-electric vehicle (BEV) journey. We also helped strengthen their supply chain and lowered material cost, including for the new BEV platforms.
Automotive | Client Impact | 2 billion | New Icon
We worked with a global vehicle manufacturer to optimize their partner network for their next generation of software-defined vehicles. We enabled quicker and broader access to cutting-edge technology and optimized the deployment of more than 10,000 engineers and more than €2 billion annual R&D spend.
Automotive | Client Impact | 250 million | New Icon
We helped a leading off-highway vehicle manufacturer revamp its supply chain and improve its engineering efficiency by supporting initiatives that will deliver approximately $250 million in annual EBIT opportunity. Within engineering, our team also outlined ways to reduce costs by 10% and improve speed to market by up to 35%.

BCG’s Automotive Industry Tools and Solutions

To help clients unleash the power of AI, we bring a unique set of enablers, powered by  BCG X. These proprietary tools and solutions let automotive industry players uncover new sources of value. They also help us accelerate key initiatives, including automotive strategy, supply chain optimization, and cost reduction in the automotive industry.
In the automotive industry, it is notoriously tricky to set sales prices, let alone make real-time adjustments. Auto AI by BCG X is an advanced analytics solution for automotive and trucking manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers that crunches ever-changing data points on a micro-market level; it then uses machine learning to simulate the impact of price changes on sales volumes. Auto AI can also inform strategies for inventory management and volume allocation.

Watch BCG X’s Andrej Levin explain how his own childhood passions led to the creation of Auto AI and how the industry is already benefiting from our transformative offering.

