

Educational institutions face strong headwinds, and must overcome a deepening racial and socioeconomic achievement gap and disrupted learning experience for nearly 1.6 billion pandemic-affected students globally. With the right strategic focus—coupled with powerful human and digital capabilities and a willingness to innovate—educational institutions can transform their cultures and educational models to enable 21st century learning.


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BCGは、地方、国、世界レベルでの教育改革に深い専門知識・経験を有しています。これには、インドでの220万人の学生の学習成果の改善や、米国での教育を強化するための ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団 Walton Family Foundationのような非営利団体との協働が含まれます。

また、従来の教育のほかにも、住民が将来の労働力に求められるスキルと能力を得られるよう、政府や企業が 生涯学習の機会を提供するための支援も行っています。


Our Areas of Focus

At BCG, we have deep expertise in supporting transformative education initiatives at the local, national, and global levels. The heart of our education consulting practice serves traditional educational institutions, for learners from early-childhood education all the way through to lifelong learning. Beyond traditional education, we also help governments and businesses provide opportunities for lifelong learning so that people can gain the skills and capabilities that future workforces will require.

BCG serves as a thought leader and collaborator for prominent global education partners, delivering results including:

  • Improving student-learning outcomes for 2.2 million students in India.
  • Partnering with not-for-profit foundations—such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation—to strengthen education in the US.
  • Hosting conventions on early-childhood education and preschool, bringing together key providers, funders, and experts.
  • Developing a multisector strategy together with UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited, ensuring every young person worldwide has access to education, training, and age-appropriate employment by 2030.
  • Serving as a strategic partner for the  World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils, defining a new agenda for education, skills, technology, and the future of work.
  • Supporting millions of children whose education has been disrupted by conflicts and natural disasters through UNICEF’s Education Cannot Wait nonprofit.

Our Client Success in Education

Lessons from Fulbright on Developing the University of the Future. A new liberal arts institution in Vietnam found that including students and faculty in the school’s development was a major driver of success.
Stemming Youth Violence with Data, Coordination, and Community. BCG partnered with a team in Miami, Florida, to create a unique initiative that combats youth violence and helps at-risk children perform better in school.
Reinventing Education in Saudi Arabia. BCG helped restructure the K—12 and higher-education ministries in Saudi Arabia to improve learning and teacher development.
Rebuilding and Transforming New Orleans Public Schools. BCG helped the city of New Orleans reorganize, reopen, and revitalize schools after Hurricane Katrina, all while positively impacting student performance.
Pivoting in the PandemicBCG’s digital and data strategy enabled AVID, an education nonprofit, to pivot very quickly during the pandemic, supporting 111,780 educators—a record number—from more than 4,200 schools.


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