

Retail Industry
Many companies in the retail industry are rich in data but have yet to harness it as a real driver of the business. Now, nothing less will do. BCG helps retailers prioritize digital efforts as part of an adaptable retail strategy that is more responsive to customer needs than ever before, and guides those looking to create and fund new sources of growth.



How We Help Clients Create a Retail Strategy for the New Reality

BCG’s retail consulting teams are composed of retail industry experts with skill sets that span the entire digital space, supported by proprietary platforms and solutions from BCG X, our tech build and design unit. Our work focuses on improving the commercial proposition, formats, and omnichannel and operations capabilities needed to deliver on retail strategy.

BCGは、小売業界のクライアントがデータのパワーをより効果的に活用し、小売業のエコシステムによりうまく統合できるようにするために、 アドバンスト・アナリティクス& AIとデータを組み合わせて、 プライシング、パーソナライゼーション、 物流などバリューチェーン全体にわたり問題を解決します。
私たちは顧客起点のアプローチをオムニチャネル戦略の策定に取り入れ、BCG独自の消費者調査技法や世界クラスのパーソナライゼーション・データサイエンスの組織能力を活用して、 データドリブンの販売戦略、およびオムニチャネル成長戦略をサポートします。BCGのオムニチャネル小売アプローチは包括的な視点を提供します。それによりクライアントがすべてのチャネルにわたり、投資の価値を識別し、追跡し、測定することができるようになります。
柔軟性のニーズは、小売企業の サプライチェーンパートナーや、他のマルチフォーマットの小売体験の要素にもおよびます。私たちは、望ましい顧客体験と経済性をめざすべき目標として、適切なエンドツーエンドの オペレーションのユースケースを優先順位づけします。その上で、具体的なソリューション(物理的とデジタル)の迅速なミニテストを繰り返し、需要予測、製品の入手可能性、サービスと労働力の計画、在庫管理、廃棄物削減などを改善していきます。
私たちは、小売企業が顧客層を拡大し、既存顧客との結びつきを深められるよう支援するために、BCGの デジタルマーケティング組織能力構築の経験を活用し、AIやその他の小売テクノロジーを用いて パーソナライゼーションを推進します。ここは、現在では、これまで以上に顧客を獲得したり失ったりする最先端領域です。
サステナブルな慣行と積極的な 社会的責任を、小売業のオペレーションに組み込むことは、副次的活動から、最優先事項に変わっています。私たちは世界各地の小売企業と協働し、社会・環境的目標への貢献(例:インクルーシブな雇用慣行、食品廃棄物とプラスチック包装の削減など)が事業の価値創造につながるようにします。

Our Client Work in the Retail Industry

33% | Client Impact | Retail | New Icon
Working with a leading EU retailer, BCG created a new pricing and promotions strategy and applied new range-performance-analysis tools on approximately 25,000 SKUs, optimizing all food categories. Our joint work delivered promotional results that were 33% above target in the first year. It also reduced the range by around 20% while making it more relevant for customers. In addition, there was a 6% increase in like-for-like volume—driven by the investment of liberated funds into pricing for top lines—along with a significant improvement in value perception.
10k | Client Impact | Retail | New Icon
BCG delivered an AI transformation at a global fashion retailer, in close partnership with the client’s internal team. Using our technology partners, including BCG X, the team leveraged AI to improve forecasting and pricing for more than 10,000 products, optimize inventory across more than 3,000 stores, and generate over 500,000 automated personalized emails. Completing a small pilot in four weeks, the team quickly scaled it, achieving a double-digit profit uplift. The project scaled to more than 70% of the global business in less than one year, and the industrialized model was complete in 18 months.
500 million | Client Impact | Retail | New Icon
A declining North American multiformat grocery retailer engaged BCG to create a transformation management office to ensure a successful turnaround. This hub drove a major reorganization, launched cost-out programs, and expanded e-commerce to drive growth. Early success showed gross margin increases and adjusted EBITDA up around 1%, with a rebound in share price to pre-decline levels. Now on track to exceed $500 million in savings, leadership is looking to advanced analytics and AI to further growth.
30% | Client Impact | Retail | New Icon
A retailer in Asia-Pacific with ambitious environmental targets partnered with BCG to create a business incubator to develop and commercialize projects. Together, we defined the incubator’s role, operating model, and governance, then prioritized and designed four scalable initiatives in upstream food waste, plastics action, sustainable agriculture, and waste-as-a-resource. Deliverables included a detailed roadmap and, with the resource budget needed to meet targets of 30% growth, 4X reduction in net GHG emissions and 2X diverted food waste.

Our Retail Industry Solutions


Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI

Personalization is a $2 trillion opportunity. BCG's new book offers a playbook for capturing your share of this personalization prize in the retail industry.

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