







両利きの4つの手法のうち、どの手法が適しているかは、その企業が何種類の環境で事業を営んでいるか(多様性)、そして、それらの環境がどれくらいの頻度で変化するか(ダイナミズム)、により異なります。 「分離」では、事業部門・地域・機能などのユニットごとに異なる戦略アプローチをトップダウンで適用し、それぞれ独立した形で運営します。 「切り替え」は、全社のリソースを一つのプールとして管理し、状況により戦略アプローチを切り替えます。 「自己最適化」では、各ユニットが、最適な戦略アプローチを選択します。 「外部エコシステム」では、様々な戦略アプローチを外部に求め、必要な戦略アプローチに精通したパートナーとエコシステムを編成します。

Biology and Strategy: The Giraffe
Ambidexterity in the business world means simultaneously exploiting and exploring, or running and reinventing, a business. Animals have used this mechanism for millions of years to forage for food effectively, and they must consider the same essential trade-off that companies do: whether to exploit the current environment or to go beyond the current environment and explore the unknown.

Giraffes, for example, employ clear and distinct approaches for balancing this trade-off. When food is abundant, as it usually is in the wet season, they don’t need a targeted strategy—there’s plenty of low-hanging fruit. In the dry season, however, giraffes need an explicit strategy for how frequently and how far away they should search for food sources, since staying too long at one grove will reduce yield and leave them too hungry to find the next food source. On the other hand, spending too much time wandering around looking for food will also make them vulnerable to starvation. Businesses, too, need to balance exploiting and renewing their advantage, especially when their current source of advantage is threatened due to technological change or competition. “Low-hanging fruit” for businesses is scarcer than ever, and they need deliberate approaches to achieving ambidexterity.


Some of today’s most dynamic companies compete in a fundamentally new way. They leverage evolvable algorithms, which self-tune to accumulated knowledge and changing circumstances.

